Mindful Movement is multi-faceted it can involve meditations, chants (known as mantras), posture movements, and sequences (known as kriyas), allowing the body and mind to be taken to a different state of consciousness and awareness. Meditation can be as short as 30 seconds, up to 11 minutes, or even as much as 62 minutes – but each is timed to allow the chemical changes in the body, blood, and brain to take place.
Kriyas are a set of postures/movements/breathwork done in sequence and to specific lengths of time. The sequence never changes. Every posture or movement is timed to bring about a response in the body, which when accompanied by the rest of the kriya, will bring the body and mind to a particular outcome.
Chanting is very powerful and has a direct impact on our brain patterns and thoughts.
We are so often told that all the answers to our own happiness lie within. This always reminds me to notice my inner world and the changes that are taking place.

Kim is located in Arizona and facilitates private or group sessions throughout the US. Kim is available to do events/workshops throughout the US.